Automotive Glossary

Automotive Glossary

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Analog Gauge

An instrument readout that displays using a moving needle or similar method.


A measuring process that uses a variable electrical current to provide a signal for computers and instruments.

Analogue Gauge

An instrument readout that displays using a moving needle or similar method.

Anionic Electrodeposition

One of the electro-coating methods in which the body is charged positively and completely immersed in the negatively charged paint. Frequently used for OEM primer application, the resultant coating is known as 'E-coat'

Annual Income

Amount of money you earn each year.


The outer gear with internal teeth on an epicyclic gear train.


A positive connection.

Anodised Aluminium

A surface treatment for aluminium that adds an oxidised coating to harden the surface of the component.


An electrolytic surface treatment for aluminium which builds up an aluminium oxide coating, to provide better adhesion.


Protective coating applied on metal surfaces to prevent corrosion.

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