Automotive Glossary
Automotive Glossary
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T |
Tetraethyl LeadA petrol additive to reduce 'knock' or detonation. Also described as an octane enhancer. | |
TFIThick film ignition module. | |
Theoretical CoverageDescribes a paint's film thickness or hiding power. Defined as the number of square metres a coating should cover at a specified film thickness measured in microns. | |
Thermal CyclingLaboratory testing of paint formulations by alternately heating and cooling a painted object to determine what effect this variation has on the paint's properties. | |
Thermal EfficiencyThe ratio between the heat energy in the fuel and the power output from the engine. | |
Thermal ExpansionIncrease in size of an object as temperature increases. | |
Thermal GaugeInstrument gauges that use the heating effect of electricity to move a needle. | |
ThermistorResistor whose resistance is greatly reduced by heating. | |
Thermo Time SwitchA device containing a bimetal strip. It is used in conjunction with a cold start injector to deliver a set amount of extra fuel when starting from cold. | |
Thermo-time-switchA device containing a bimetal strip. It is used in conjunction with a cold start injector to deliver a set amount of extra fuel when starting from cold. | |