Automotive Glossary
Automotive Glossary
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B |
Bi-Metal SpringA spring made of two metals that expand differently with temperature change. This changes the tension as temperature changes. | |
BiasTowards one side or one polarity. | |
BiasedFavouring one thing over another. | |
Big EndEnd of the con rod that fits to the crankshaft. | |
Big End BearingsThe journals and shell bearings on a crankshaft that carry the big ends of the connecting rods. | |
Bimetal StripTwo metals bonded together so that when heated, the different rates of expansion cause the strip to bend. The amount of bend is proportional to the temperature. | |
Bimetal Thermostatic SpringA spring that changes tension with temperature. | |
Bimetalic ValveSee Bi-metalic Valve. | |
Bimetallic ValveA valve that operates when a temperature change moves a bimetal strip. | |
BinaryA system of numbering using 0 and 1 and used in computer operating systems. | |