Automotive Glossary
Automotive Glossary
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Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
B |
Beam SetterEquipment used to check the alignment of vehicle headlights. | |
Bearing CapHalf-round parts that holds the big end and main bearings into place either on the con rods or engine block. | |
Bearing ClearanceThe freeplay between a bearing shell and journal. | |
Bearing Nip or CrushApplies to the applied grip of a split shell bearing when the two halves are tightened together. | |
BearingsComponents used to support a shaft and allow rotation. | |
Bell HousingCover over the clutch assembly. Usually joins the gearbox to the engine. | |
BenignA benign condition is one that is not usually serious or harmful. Zero emissions for example. | |
BenzoleHydrocarbon fuel additive and octane improver. | |
Bevel GearsGears cut at an angle from the periphery so that they can transmit a drive through an angle. An example is the final drive crown wheel and pinion. | |
BHPBrake Horse Power | |