Monday, 13 May 2024, 9:15 PM
Site: IMI eLearning
Course: IMI eLearning (IMI eLearning)
Glossary: Automotive Glossary


Side Impact Protection System


Special test track for skidding on!


To skim/scan text in order to get a general idea about it.


The formation of a thin, tough film on the surface of a liquid paint film, usually due to oxidation, hardening, or drying of the paint.

SLA Suspension

Short and long transverse suspension arms. The upper arm is the shorter of the two. The geometry of this layout keeps the wheel camber reasonably constant during suspension movements. Also known as 'unequal wishbones'.

Slave Cylinder

A hydraulic cylinder receiving a force and operating a mechanism. Examples are the clutch cylinder and the brake or wheel cylinders in brake units.

Sleeve (Cylinder)

A steel sleeve used to form a running surface for pistons in an engine. Also known as a cylinder liner.

Sliding Caliper

A brake caliper that has one piston and one sliding section.

Sliding Joint

A drive shaft joint with the ability to change length and to transmit movement usually with a splined construction.

Sliding Resistance

The frictional value for the surface of a sliding component in contact with the track or road on which it runs. An example is the sliding resistance of a road tyre skidding on a road surface. The sliding resistance is usually less than the rolling resistance.