Sunday, 19 May 2024, 6:26 PM
Site: IMI eLearning
Course: IMI eLearning (IMI eLearning)
Glossary: Automotive Glossary

Switch Pack

General term to describe a collection of switches in one unit, window lift switches in the driver's door for example.

Swivel Axis

Line about which the steering turns.

Swivel Joints

Joints used as part of a steering linkage about which the steering turns.

Swivel Pins

Pins used as part of a steering linkage. Often called Kingpins.


A description of objects that are the same on each side of their centre line.


The observed or measures result of a fault in a system.

Synchromesh Gear

Gear change system in which the speed of rotation of a selected gear is automatically synchronized with that of the mainshaft.

Synchromesh Hub

Cone clutches that are part of a gear change system which equalises the speed of a rotating gear.


Two or more occurrences happening or being made to happen at the same time.


Part of gear change system that automatically synchronises gear speeds before they are engaged.