Sunday, 5 May 2024, 7:10 AM
Site: IMI eLearning
Course: IMI eLearning (IMI eLearning)
Glossary: Automotive Glossary

Open Circuit

Applied to an electrical circuit when the switch is 'off' or the circuit is not continuous.

Open Coat

A type of abrasive paper coating in which the abrasive particles are scattered in a low density to prevent it from clogging up. Typically found in Production Papers

Open Period

(1) The number of degrees of distributor rotation during which the primary circuit remains open. (2) The number of degrees of crankshaft rotation during which an inlet or exhaust valve remains open.


An electronic control system using a comparison of sensor signals and a pre-programmed map.

Operational Safety

Safety aspects that are operational during use of a vehicle.

Optical Gauge

A measuring instrument that uses light/reflection to align steering (for example).


One Person Test Lane. These are lanes authorised by VOSA to conduct testing where the tester has the option of not using an assistant if so desired.

Orange cables

These indicate high voltages – take care.

Orange Peel

An irregularity in the surface of a paint film resulting from the inability of the wet film to "level out" after being applied, caused by a lack of flow. Orange peel appears as a characteristically uneven or dimpled surface to the eye, but usually feels smooth to the touch.

Orbital Sander

Type of sander that uses a circular motion to accomplish the sanding of different materials.