Friday, 26 April 2024, 12:26 AM
Site: IMI eLearning
Course: IMI eLearning (IMI eLearning)
Glossary: Automotive Glossary

Hide Mallet

Soft hammer made of hide (leather). Plastic types are also used.

Hiding or Hiding Power

(See 'Opacity')

High Boilers

Solvents with boiling points above 100 degrees Celsius.

High Lift Cam

A special cam profile used on performance engines to increase the opening size of a valve.

High resistance

An unwanted resistance in a circuit that causes it to operate incorrectly.

High Solids

Paints are described as having high solids when they contain more than 50-60% solids. High solids paints have lower VOC's.

High Tension

The term used for the high voltage in the secondary circuit of the ignition system.


Hall generator. A sensor using a Hall effect to provide signals to an ECU.


Heated Oxygen Sensor


To lift something or a term used to describe a vehicle lift or ramp.