Saturday, 4 May 2024, 1:42 PM
Site: IMI eLearning
Course: IMI eLearning (IMI eLearning)
Glossary: Automotive Glossary

Fuel Distributor

The component in a mechanical injection system that controls and distributes the fuel.

Fuel Efficiency

Performance of engine/vehicle. Rate of fuel usage.

Fuel Filter

A filter to remove contamination from fuel.

Fuel Gauge Sender

Sensor, usually a variable resistor, which supplies information on fuel quantity in the tank.

Fuel Injection

The injection of fuel under pressure into the intake air stream of petrol engines by the use of electrical solenoid valves in place of a carburettor.

Fuel Line

The pipes and hoses that connect the fuel system components.

Fuel Pressure Regulator

In a fuel system the component that keeps the pressure across injectors constant. It consists of a valve, diaphragm and spring.

Fuel Rail

A tube or pipe used to supply fuel to electrical injectors. The quantity of fuel in the rail is relatively large so that the pressure remains constant when the injectors operate.


A pivot for a lever. Usually a supporting point or shaft.

Fulcrum Ring

A ring on which clutch release fingers pivot.