Saturday, 4 May 2024, 9:33 PM
Site: IMI eLearning
Course: IMI eLearning (IMI eLearning)
Glossary: Automotive Glossary

Four Wheel Steering (4WS)

A steering system that applies turning movement to front and rear wheels. The rear wheel steer is initially opposite to the front wheels, neutral and then with the front wheels. This provides steering characteristics that aid manoeuvrability.

Four Wheel Steering 4WS

A steering system that applies turning movement to front and rear wheels. The rear wheel steer is initially opposite to the front wheels, neutral and then with the front wheels. This provides steering characteristics that aid manoeuvrability.


Fuel Pump.


Fuel Pump Relay.


A number of parts out of another number of parts.


This is an authorization to sell a company's goods or services in a particular place.

Free Electrons

The electrons in the valency shell of an atom that can link with and move on from other atoms. A material with free electron flow makes a good electrical or heat conductor.

Free Play

The amount of free movement in or between components that is not transmitted to the next component in the sequence. May also be referred to as 'backlash' in some applications such as when applied to gears.

Free Travel

The free play in a clutch linkage before it operates the clutch mechanism.


The amount of free movement in or between components that is not transmitted to the next component in the sequence. May also be referred to as 'backlash' in some applications such as when applied to gears.