Monday, 6 May 2024, 11:51 PM
Site: IMI eLearning
Course: IMI eLearning (IMI eLearning)
Glossary: Automotive Glossary


An ability to perform work. SI unit is the 'Joule'.


The act of making a connection between two gears of through a clutch.

Engaging Pin

A simple pin used to make a drive connection.

Engaging Plunger

General term to describe a plunger that engages something! Often part of a gearbox.

Engine Analyser

Complex test equipment used to check a variety of engine operating functions and conditions. An oscilloscope is usually included.

Engine Analyzer

Complex test equipment used to check a variety of engine operating functions and conditions. An oscilloscope is usually included.

Engine Block

Main part of the engine that contains the cylinders.

Engine Compartment

The space under the bonnet!

Engine Load

How hard the engine is having to work. For example, accelerating uphill creates a high load.

Engine Management

General term used to describe the control of engine operating functions such as ignition and fuelling. Usually related to electronic control.