Friday, 3 May 2024, 2:49 AM
Site: IMI eLearning
Course: IMI eLearning (IMI eLearning)
Glossary: Automotive Glossary

Binary Counter

An electronic device that counts in binary (1s and 0s) by using logic gates and basic memory devices.

Binary digit

A binary digit or bit is the basic unit of information in computing and telecommunications; it is the amount of information that can be stored by a device or other physical system that can normally exist in only two distinct states - 1 or 0, on or off for example.


The component in a paint material that forms the film. So-called because it binds the pigment and any additives present into a solid durable film.


Term used to describe one component sticking or rubbing against another.


The capacity of a material to decompose over time as a result of biological activity, especially to be broken down by microorganisms.


A binary digit or bit is the basic unit of information in computing and telecommunications; it is the amount of information that can be stored by a device or other physical system that can normally exist in only two distinct states - 1 or 0, on or off for example.

Black box

Equipment that records information about the performance of an aircraft during flight – or a vehicle during its normal use.

Blade Connector

An electrical cable connector consisting of a blade and spring sided socket.

Blanking Plugs

Screwed plugs used to blank off or block off a test port or adjustment point.


The act of removing air from a liquid system.